Protecting selected materials

In this blog post, we will guide you through the art of safeguarding specific materials during mesh reduction. Imagine scenarios where preserving intricate details, such as character faces or dynamic materials like cloth, is crucial to maintaining the overall visual appeal of your 3D models.

Scripting with Simplygon: Introduction

This is the first of a series of posts where we dig deeper into how to script with Simplygon. In this post we will explore four levels of scripting depth, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

Vertex locks in Unity

In this blog we'll showcase how to use vertex locks in Unity to protect areas during optimization. We do this by editing the Simplygon scene after export from Unity.

Optimizing a modular character asset

Characters constructed of modular pieces can suffer from a problem after they are optimized. If the seams connecting the different parts are not matching each other, you can end up with visual artefacts. This blog post will show how you can use the modular seams feature of Simplygon to prevent these issues.

Keep original materials during aggregation

In this blog we'll showcase how to keep original materials during material merging. This enables you to keep materials that require special shaders separated during optimization.

Bake vertex colors into textures

In this blog we'll look at how to bake vertex colors into textures. Use case for this is certain phot scanned assets where color data is saved into vertex colors. We'll look at how to do this with both the remesher and aggregator pipeline. We'll also cover how to create a shading network for vertex colored materials as well as how to remove vertex colors from model post processing.

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