A tool for optimizing distant meshes in Unity

In this blog we'll create a Unity tool similar to our Unreal Engine plugin's Stand-In feature. It can be of great use to optimize objects in backgrounds of video games.

Optimize Unreal Engine levels with visibility culled Stand-Ins

This blog will cover how to use Stand-Ins in Unreal Engine to replace distant meshes with simple proxy meshes. We will use visibility culling to cull away any geometry not visible from the player's perspective.

How to build HLOD clusters for World Partition levels with Simplygon

In this post we'll showcase how to build HLODs for world partition levels in Unreal Engine 5 using Simplygon's new HLOD builder.

Optimizing Unity games with Simplygon 10.3

In this blog we'll detail how our new Simplygon 10.3 release can be used to optimize Unity games.

Tight fitting impostors with minimal overdraw

Generate tight fitting impostor geometries around the opaque areas based on the input opacity map.

A look at impostor from single view in Unity HDRP

In this blog post we will take a look at how material casting for Unity HDRP render pipeline allows us to create extremely lightweight impostors. We are also going to cover how to hide LOD pops with cross fading.

A look at flipbook in Unreal Engine

In this blog we'll have a look at the flipbook impostor and how to use it in Unreal Engine. We are going to cover what the up and down sides of it are as well as some tips and tricks how to change parameters and materials on generated LODs in Unreal Engine.

Billboard cloud mode: Outer shell

The billboard cloud aims to replace the objects in a scene with a view independent set of billboards. The Billboard mode: Outer shell makes the planes fit to the outer shell of objects, as opposed to Billboard mode: Foliage.

Impostor: Billboard cloud for vegetation

The billboard cloud aims to replace the objects in a scene with a view independent set of billboards. For vegetation assets the "Billboard mode" should be set to "Foliage" . This mode allows the billboards to represent the foliage volume with intersecting planes. The leaves should map to the billboards in a manner that keeps the perception of volume and silhouette close to the original tree.

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