Protecting selected materials

In this blog post, we will guide you through the art of safeguarding specific materials during mesh reduction. Imagine scenarios where preserving intricate details, such as character faces or dynamic materials like cloth, is crucial to maintaining the overall visual appeal of your 3D models.

Optimizing Unity games with Simplygon 10.3

In this blog we'll detail how our new Simplygon 10.3 release can be used to optimize Unity games.

Optimizing a modular character asset

Characters constructed of modular pieces can suffer from a problem after they are optimized. If the seams connecting the different parts are not matching each other, you can end up with visual artefacts. This blog post will show how you can use the modular seams feature of Simplygon to prevent these issues.

Character optimization with quad reduction

In this introduction blog we'll look at how to optimize a skinned character with the quad reducer.

Low-poly character optimization

In this introduction blog we'll look at how to optimize a low poly skinned character with the Simplygon plugin for 3ds Max.

Reuse skeletons for Unity LODGroup

In this holiday themed blog post we'll showcase how to reuse skeletons for different LOD levels in Unity. As an extra spice we will also throw in Bone Reduction for our last LOD level.

Protecting features using vertex locks and weights

Sometimes you want the ability to protect certain features in your assets. Simplygon provides you with the ability to use either vertex weights or locks to direct the optimization process to keep polygons where you want.

Demystifying vertex colors in 3ds Max

In this blog post we are going to optimize a game character in 3ds Max. We are going to use two sets of vertex colors; one which the game utilized and one which control the reduction.

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